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One of the Best Footballers in World Cup-2010 - Pepe Reina

Jose Manuel Reina is the full name of the legendary goal keeper of the Spain football team. He is the most vital and hard core skills of football. He is well trained and also is very well versed in the game. 

He was born in the year 1982 and the date was August 31st. He initially started out as a Spanish football player and was very good and effective in that role itself. 

After that he went on to explore and experience the other forms excellent skills of football and playing roles with the field of football was highly please with how much he liked goal keeping. Therefore now he plays as the goal keeper.

Liverpool FC Player Profile - Pepe Reina

Jose Reina is Liverpool's first choice goalkeeper and rated by many as one of the best goalkeepers in the world of football. Born in Madrid in 1982, Reina is the son of former Barcelona and Atletico Madrid goalkeeper Miguel Reina

Having made over 300 appearances for the first team, Reina signed a new six year contract with Liverpool in 2010 and although he has still to become the first choice as goalkeeper for his national side he has already become a Liverpool legend.

Pepe Goal Keeper
One of the Best Footballers in World Cup-2010 - Pepe Reina

His Popularity in the World

He is known to be one of the most well versed and a devoted Spanish country man. He is also taken and admired as a very dedicated player with a very deep and passionate love for the game itself. 

He is the son of the famous and well known Barcelona player FC Manuel Reina and therefore the football is in his blood and it is not surprising that he is such a great player. He is also one to highly appreciate the distinct line that separates soccer and the usual word football. 

He does a lot of mental training as well unlike most players. He is not just the usual jock but a skilled and cultured player as well. He won the under 17 championship in the year 1999. He was also a part of the squad in 2006 when Spain participated in the world cup.

Pepe Struggle in Football

Pepe is a hard core player and is also known to be the type who would train around the clock. It is also interesting to learn that his number one spare time is known to be one in which he has fully incorporated training into his own daily routines in order to be up to the mark and also to remain fit. 

He is that kind of player who will also work out and make an effort to stay in good shape.


His high Achievements 

This is also a step that he takes often so as to maintain a good physical set up. In terms of being admired and over all popularity and likeness he is a heart throb for many people and is idolized by many others. People of all ages are familiar with him and he is a hot favorite among-st football fans

Pepe is a clean and fair player who has immense respect for the rules and regulations that go into playing the game in the proper manner. He has never had any bad behavior nor has ever exhibited any other kind of problem with abuse of any substance.

Skills Of Football
High Achievements